Outstanding performance 出色的表现。

You're a good friend. 你是一个好朋友。

I have confidence in your judgment. 我坚信你的判断。

I trust you. 我相信你。

You belong. 你属于我们。

You make me laugh. 你让我开怀大笑。

You brighten my day. 你让我今天增辉不少。

That's correct. 正确。

You're a joy. 你真让人高兴。

You're a treasure. 你是个宝。

You're wonderful. 你真妙极了。

You made my day. 你今天真让我高兴。

That's the best. 真出色。

A big hug. 热情拥抱你。

Say I love you! 我要说,我爱你!

Your work is improving. 你的作业大有进步。

You listened well today. 今天你听课十分认真。

You worked really hard today. 今天你学习确实十分努力。

You are FIRST today. 今天你第一。

P.S. Remember, A Smile Is Worth 1000 Words! 一个微笑胜过千言万语!
