第一部分 英译汉

第四章 考研英译汉常用词及句型的翻译





单数形式(本义)        复数形式(变义)
reparation 赔偿         reparations 赔款
damage 损坏             damages 赔偿金
water                 waters 水域
manner 方式             manners 礼貌
utterance 发出的声音    utterances 言论
blue 蓝色               blues 忧郁的情绪
color 色彩              colors 军队的团旗
compass 罗盘            compasses 圆规
custom 风俗习惯         customs 关税
effect 结果             effects 财物;私有财产
force                 forces 有组织的人类团体,如军队等
ground 地、场地         grounds 理由;渣滓
spirit 精神             spirits 酒精;必致
economy 经济            economies 节约措施;节俭之举
generalization 一般化   generalizations见解;论断
silence 沉默            silences 相对无言的时刻
sound 声音              sounds 唱片、录音带上的录音
beard 胡须              beards 长长的络腮胡子
brain 大脑              brains 智力
green 绿色              Greens (高尔夫球)球场
sale 销售               sales 廉价商品
single 单个             singles (网球)单打
art 艺术                arts 文科
arm 胳膊                arms 武器
oversimplification 简单化    oversimplification 简单化的处理办法
experience 经验         experiences 经历
regard 尊敬;注意       regards 问候
business 生意           businesses 商店;企业
work 工作               works 著作
spectacle 景象          spectacles 景象;眼镜
ruin 毁灭               ruins 废墟
disorder 混乱           disorders 小病
security 安全           securities 证券
property 财产           properties 特性



【例1The waters from the east are clear and bluethey come from hills and valleys where plentiful forest and plant cover has kept the soil from being washed away.


【例2Such economies may appear small when compared to President Carters pay increase for most of his aids.


【例3Hasty generalizations are no better than oversimplifications.You can put an end to the meeting by them but they are of no avail to the point at issue.


【例4The court ordered him to pay 1000 dollar damages to the person he had hurt.


【例5In the ancient civlizations of Greece and Romethunder was believed to be a manifestation of the anger of the gods.
