最近韩国设计师Je Sung Park和Woo Jung Kwon发明了一种隐形雨伞——空气伞。这种雨伞没有传统意义上的伞盖,而只有“伞把”。发明的原理是利用“伞把”向上喷出空气,在雨滴和人之间形成一道空气屏障,从而起到挡雨的作用。除了比传统雨伞更方便携带之外,省去了塑料制成的伞盖,也让这种伞更加环保。像小编这种痛恨带伞上街的人,真是很期待它面市啊!沪友们,你呢?

The Air-umbrella with wind power is designed innovative and over fixed idea. From its refined and creative design, not only it makes people more convenient, but also helps more eco-friendly as reducing the use of a plastic bag.




1. Air-umbrella forms the air-curtain whose air comes into the intake and goes out into the outlet. This curtain functions like an umbrella enough to be able to block the rain.


2. Air-umbrella is possible to control the size of the air-curtain throught a simple work. Its size is determined by the number of person to use the air-umbrella.

2. 通过一个简单的操作,空气伞就可以改变“伞盖”大小。伞的大小是根据人数多少来决定的。

3. Air-umbrella aims to maximize portability and keeping as controlling the length of it.

3. 空气伞旨在最大化其便携性,它的长度是可调节的。

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