2014-02-25 16:57
After the First World War, the American government even claimed that all the immigrants, who did not speak English as their native language,to completely abandon their national language once they settled in the United States.
So the American blacks learned to speak a form of English that sounded more like the Standard English as a way to advance them socially and economically. Many southern ,aristocratic boys were sent to school in England to learn "proper English" so that they would not embarrass their families by speaking Plantation Croele. Some Blacks feel that they have to lose their black accents and "talk" white in order to get good jobs and increase their social standing.
With assimilation,immigrants lose their original cultural and often linguistic identity and so do their children. Immigrants who fled oppression from a country devastated by war were historically adaptable to abandoning their heritage once they had settled in a new country.