
n. 小捆,小束

andv. 经得起,顶得住

The bridge withstands the flood.(那座桥经得起洪水。)

n. 1. 男巫2. 鬼才,奇才

v. & n. 摇晃,晃动

Don’t wobble the desk when I’m writing.(我写字时你不要摇动桌子。)

n. 1. 悲伤2. 苦难

v. 1. 求爱2. 争取,追求

He was trying to woo the daughter of a Missouri aris-tocrat.(他正试图追求一位密苏里的豪门小姐。)

n. 愤怒,暴怒

ev. 整个缠绕,将做成环

His face was wreathed in smiles.(他满脸笑容。)

gen. 残骸,残余

n. & v. 猛拧,一扭

He wrenched the book from her hands.(他从她的手中把书拧抢了过来。)


en. 1.拷问2. 折磨,痛苦v. 1. 拷打2. 使痛苦(苦恼)

They tortured the man to make him confess his crime.(他们拷打那个人, 使他招认他的罪行。)

v. 1. 踉跄2. 摇摇欲坠

The drunkard tottered along the road.(醉鬼在路上踉跄行走。)

ownn. (飞机)着陆,降落

mentn. 比赛,竞赛

v. & n. 拖,拉,牵引

The little boy is towing a horse.(这个小男孩正拽着一匹马。)

blea. 温顺的,易处理的

Gold and silver are tractable metals.(金和银是容易加工的金属。)

ckern. 做非法买卖者,贩卖毒品者

ev. 践踏,蹂躏

Don't trample on the grass.(勿踏草地。)

n. 1. 昏睡状态2. 出神,发呆

ila. 平静的,安宁的

There was a tranquil expression on his face.(他脸上有一种安祥自若的表情。)
