
n. 1.(轻快的)敲击声2. 唠叨

v. 1.(轻快地)敲击某物2. 责备或训斥(某人)3. 唠叨

beat the rap 责备某人

take the rap 受罚,背黑锅

tn. 和睦,融洽

a. 全神贯注的,入迷的

She sat with rapt expression reading her book.(她坐着全神贯注地看书。)

v. 使不安,紧张

rattle off 急促流畅地背诵出

rattle on/ away 喋喋不休地说

rattle through 匆忙地做

n. 深谷,峡谷

v. 使着迷,使心醉

I was utterly ravished by the way she smiled.(她的微笑使我完全陶醉了。)

dv. 反弹,弹回n. 反弹

on the rebound 1. 在弹回时2. 失望、沮丧等之余

ev. 向后倚靠,躺卧,休息

She sat there, reclined against a foam rubber cushion.(她在那儿倚靠着海绵橡胶垫坐着。)

v. 重获(尤指钱),失而复得

It took the firm five years to recoup its losses.(这个公司5 年后才挽回损失。)

sen. 求助的对象

have recourse to依靠,求助于


a. 1. 人道的,仁慈的2. 人文的

Is ithumane to kill animals for food?(宰杀牲畜来吃合乎人道吗?)

n. 腐殖质

n. 基于知觉的想法,预感

ica. 歇斯底里的,有癔病的n. (~s)歇斯底里的发作

My mum’ll have hysterics when she sees the colour of my hair.(妈妈看到我头发染成这种颜色会火冒三丈的。)

