2015-06-05 15:37
沪江小编:本文是谷歌产品管理和营销高级副总裁Jonathan Rosenberg在其母校克莱蒙特·麦肯纳学院向毕业生分享的他自己多年的职场经验,包括沟通、文化、团队建设、决策、创新和谦卑等六方面内容,一共42条“职场生存军规”。
Jonathan Rosenberg简介:作为谷歌产品高级副总裁的他,坚信“更开放,意味着更好的 谷歌 和更好的世界”。他围绕 Chrome 和 Android 建立团队。事实证明,他是颇有预见性的。今天,Chrome 和 Android 成了谷歌最具战略意义的两大收获。
#1 Never stop learning.
#1 学无止境
School is never out. Your education is never over. Part of being humble is realizing how much you don’t know that you don’t know. “Learn something new so you can remember how hard it is to learn. Corollary: teach something so you can learn.” It’s never too late to learn how to program a computer, build a website, speak a new language.
#2 Grow up.
#2 成长吧
Humility is correlated with age. Arrogance is inversely correlated with age. Why? Because as you get older, you realize how hard it is to get things done.
#3 Delegate.
#3 放权
You get personal leverage through empowerment, delegation and inspection. As a smart leader, you surround yourself with great people. Your people get to understand what they’re doing better than you. That’s how pride takes root.
#4 Mean what you say.
#4 信守承诺
A great leader has to commit -- body and soul -- to a team’s goal and vision. People can tell if it’s not the case, and they’re always watching. “Smart people can smell hypocrisy. So think before you speak, and make sure you spend your time on the things that you say are important. Culture is set from the top, and once set, it cannot be changed.”
#5 Watch people on their way out.
#5 观察他们离开时的样子
The tech world can be a very small place. Everyone is more and more connected, and you’ll run into the people you’ve worked with again and again. Observe people when they leave a place. You learn a great deal about a person and your ability to judge them in that moment they resign and the manner they walk out the door.
#6 Know you’re not exempt.
#6 知道你并不是例外
Would you work for yourself? If you wouldn’t, why should anyone else? On this score, Rosenberg says he writes a critical self-review every year. It’s the only way to learn he says. Communicate, confess, and comply. No one is perfect – not even you.
你会为自己打工么?如果不会,凭什么让别人这么做?从这个层面出发,Rosenberg 每年都会写一个自我检讨。这是学习沟通,坦白,遵守的唯一方式。人无完人,包括你自己在内。