2016-09-04 09:03
《美女与野兽》〔英语:Beauty and the Beast),是1991年华特迪士尼公司对经典童话《美女与野兽》的动画诠释。这是迪士尼第30部经典动画长片。
BELLE: Who is it? MRS. POTTS: (from outside the door) Mrs. Potts, dear. (Door opens.) I thought you might like a spot of tea. BELLE: (amazed at the fact that she is listening to a walking tea set) But you...ah...but...I-- (BELLE bumps into the WARDROBE) WARDROBE: Oof. Careful! BELLE: (sits on bed) This is impossible-- WARDROBE: (leans 'shoulder' on bed, popping other end and BELLE into the air) I know it is, but here we are! CHIP: (as sugar and cream are being poured into him) Told ya she was pretty, mama, didn't I? MRS. POTTS: All right, now, Chip. That'll do. (CHIP hops over to BELLE, who is sitting on the floor) Slowly, now. Don't spill! BELLE: Thank you. (She picks up CHIP, and is about to take a sip of tea.) CHIP: (To BELLE) Wanna see me do a trick? (CHIP takes a big breath, then puffs out his cheeks and blows bubbles out the top of the cup.) MRS. POTTS: (admonishingly) Chip! CHIP: (looking guilty) Oops. Sorry. MRS. POTTS: (To BELLE) That was a very brave thing you did, my dear. WARDROBE: We all think so. BELLE: But I've lost my father, my dreams, everything. MRS. POTTS: Cheer up, child. It'll turn out all right in the end. You'll see. (She looks up, startled.) Oops! Look at me, jabbering on, when there's a supper to get on the table. Chip! CHIP: (hopping away) Bye! (BELLE stands and the WARDROBE approaches her.) WARDROBE: Well now, what shall we dress you in for dinner? Let's see what I've got in my drawers. (The doors fly open and moths flutter out. She slams them shut.) Oh! How embarrassing. Here we are. (One door opens, the other serves as an arm. It pulls out a pink dress.) Ah! There, you'll look ravishing in this one! (Something to think about: We never hear of a King or Queen or parents, so what is a Prince living on his own doing with a wardrobe full of women's clothing? Maybe he wants to be a lumberjack!) BELLE: That's very kind of you, but I'm not going to dinner. WARDROBE: Oh, but you must! (COGSWORTH waddles in) COGSWORTH: Ahem, ahem, ahem. Dinner...is served. (Cut to BEAST pacing back and forth in front of fire, with MRS. POTTS and LUMIERE looking on.) BEAST: What's taking so long? I told her to come down. Why isn't she here yet?!? MRS. POTTS: Oh, try to be patient, sir. The girl has lost her father and her freedom all in one day. LUMIERE: Uh, master. Have you thought that, perhaps, this girl could be the one to break the spell? BEAST: (angrily) Of course I have. I'm not a fool. LUMIERE: Good. You fall in love with her, she falls in love with you, and--Poof!--the spell is broken! We'll be human again by midnight! (That sounds like a good title for a song-- "Human Again") MRS. POTTS: Oh, it's not that easy, Lumiere. These things take time. LUMIERE: But the rose has already begun to wilt. BEAST: It's no use. She's so beautiful, and I'm so...well, look at me! (LUMIERE shrugs his shoulders and looks at MRS. POTTS.) MRS. POTTS: Oh, you must help her to see past all that. BEAST: I don't know how. MRS. POTTS: Well, you can start by making yourself more presentable. Straighten up, try to act like a gentleman. (BEAST sits up, then straightens his face very formally) LUMIERE: (adding in) Ah yes, when she comes in, give her a dashing, debonair smile. Come, come. Show me the smile. (BEAST bears his ragged fangs in a scary, and yet funny grin.) MRS. POTTS: But don't frighten the poor girl. LUMIERE: Impress her with your rapier wit. MRS. POTTS: But be gentle. LUMIERE: Shower her with compliments. MRS. POTTS: But be sincere LUMIERE: And above all... BOTH: You must control your temper! (The door creaks open. BEAST wipes the silly face off, and looks to the door expectantly.) LUMIERE: Here she is! (COGSWORTH enters.) COGSWORTH: Uh, good evening. (BEAST goes from expectant to mad.) BEAST: (growling) Well, where is she? COGSWORTH: (buying time) Who? Oh! The girl. Yes, the, ah, girl. Well, actually, she's in the process of, ah, um, circumstances being what they are, ah... she's not coming. (Cut to ext of den with door slightly ajar) BEAST: WHAT!!!!!!! (Door bangs open and BEAST comes running out, with OBJECTS giving chase) COGSWORTH: Your grace! Your eminence! Let's not be hasty! (Cut to ext of BELLE's room. BEAST runs up to it and bangs on the door.) BEAST: (Yelling) I thought I told you to come down to dinner! BELLE: (From behind the door) I'm not hungry. BEAST: You'll come out or I'll...I'll break down the door! LUMIERE: (interrupting) Master, I could be wrong, but that may not be the best way to win the girl's affections. COGSWORTH: (pleading) Please! Attempt to be a gentleman. BEAST: (growing angrier) But she is being so...difficult! MRS. POTTS: Gently, gently. BEAST: (very dejected) Will you come down to dinner? BELLE: No! (BEAST looks at the OBJECTS, very frustrated.) COGSWORTH: Suave. Genteel. BEAST: (Trying to act formal, bowing at the door) It would give me great pleasure if you would join me for dinner. COGSWORTH: Ahem, ahem, we say 'please.' BEAST: (once again dejected) ...please. BELLE: (Mad at BEAST) No, thank you. BEAST: (furious) You can't stay in there forever! BELLE: (provokingly) Yes I can! BEAST: Fine! Then go ahead and STARVE!!!! (To OBJECTS) If she doesn't eat with me, then she doesn't eat at all! (BEAST runs back down the hall, slamming a door and causing a piece of the ceiling to fall on LUMIERE.) MRS. POTTS: That didn't go very well at all, did it. COGSWORTH: Lumiere, stand watch at the door and inform me at once if there is the slightest change. LUMIERE: (Taking guard position next to door) You can count on me, mon capitan. COGSWORTH: Well, I guess we better go downstairs and start cleaning up.