
How to make the sounds
/s/ is a voiceless fricative. //  is also voiceless, but to make it different from /s/, pull the tip of your tongue slightly back and up. (It is the same sound you make when you want
someone to be quiet: Shshshshshshsh!) For /t/, just put a /t/ in front of //, and you will
get a /t/.

/s/是不振动声带的摩擦音。// 同样不振动声带,但是和/s/不同,轻轻的把舌尖收回并翘起。(和你想让别人安静的时候说Shshshshshshsh!发出的声音是一样的。)而要发/t/的音,在//前面加一个/t/的音就好了。

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