
1.A fair death honors the whole life.死得其所,流芳百世。

2.A faithful friend is hard to find.知音难觅。

3.A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit.吃一堑,长一智。

4.A great talker is a great liar.说大话者多谎言。

5.A hedge between keeps friendship green.君子之交淡如水。

6.A joke never gains an enemy but loses a friend.戏谑不能化敌为友,只能使人失去朋友。

7.A leopard cannot change its spots.积习难改。

8.A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth.说谎者即使讲真话也没人相信。

9.A light heart lives long.静以修身。

10.A little body often harbors a great soul.浓缩的都是精品。

11.A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.一知半解,自欺欺人。

12.A little pot is soon hot.狗肚子盛不得四两油。

13.All are brave when the enemy flies.敌人逃窜时,人人都成了勇士。

14.All good things come to an end.天下没有不散的筵席。

15.All rivers run into sea.海纳百川。



