Develop Stage Presence

The biggest mistake we see in early rehearsals is that people move their bodies too much. They sway from side to side, or shift their weight from one leg to the other. People do this naturally when they’re nervous, but it’s distracting and makes the speaker seem weak. Simply getting a person to keep his or her lower body motionless can dramatically improve stage presence. There are some people who are able to walk around a stage during a presentation, and that’s fine if it comes naturally. But the vast majority are better off standing still and relying on hand gestures for emphasis.

Perhaps the most important physical act onstage is making eye contact. Find five or six friendly-looking people in different parts of the audience and look them in the eye as you speak. Think of them as friends you haven’t seen in a year, whom you’re bringing up to date on your work. That eye contact is incredibly powerful, and it will do more than anything else to help your talk land. Even if you don’t have time to prepare fully and have to read from a script, looking up and making eye contact will make a huge difference.

Another big hurdle for inexperienced speakers is nervousness—both in advance of the talk and while they’re onstage. People deal with this in different ways. Many speakers stay out in the audience until the moment they go on; this can work well, because keeping your mind engaged in the earlier speakers can distract you and limit nervousness. Amy Cuddy, a Harvard Business School professor who studies how certain body poses can affect power, utilized one of the more unusual preparation techniques I’ve seen. She recommends that people spend time before a talk striding around, standing tall, and extending their bodies; these poses make you feel more powerful. It’s what she did before going onstage, and she delivered a phenomenal talk. But I think the single best advice is simply to breathe deeply before you go onstage. It works.
对无经验的演讲者而言,另一个大挑战就是紧张,不管是在台前还是台上。不同人应对紧张有不同的处理方法。很多讲者在演讲前会呆在观众席中,这方法很有效,因为听前面的演讲者演讲可以转移注意力并减少紧张。哈佛商学院的一位教授艾米·卡迪(Amy Cuddy)研究了怎样的姿势可以产生气场,她运用了我见过的最不同寻常的准备技巧。她建议讲者们在演讲前到周围大步走一走,站在高处,或伸展四肢,这些姿势都可以使你倍感自信。她自己上台前就是如此做的,而且她做的演讲精彩非凡。不过我认为最简单且实用的方法就是上台前做一下深呼吸。真心有效。
