Hint: none

I'll be the first to admit it didn't help as many folks as we'd hoped. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't keep trying. That's why I'm sending Congress a plan that will give every responsible homeowner the chance to save about $3,000 a year on their mortgages by refinancing at historically low rates. No more red tape. No more endless forms. And a small fee on the largest financial institutions will make sure it doesn't add a dime to the deficit. I want to be clear: this plan will not help folks who bought a house they couldn't afford and then walked away from it. It won't help folks who bought multiple houses just to turn around and sell them in speculation. What this plan will do is help millions of responsible homeowners who make their payments every month, but who, until now, couldn't refinance because their home values kept dropping or they got wrapped up in too much red tape.
首先我承认并没有如我们所愿帮助那么多的人。但这并不意味我们就应该停止不前。 这就是为什么我要向国会提交一项计划,让每位有责任心的房贷按揭人员能有机会以有史以来最低的利率获得一笔贷款,从而一年可以为他们节省3000美金。没有反锁的程序,没有填不完的表格。而这样一笔小额费用也不会给大型金融机构的账户上增添那怕是一点点的赤字。 我想澄清一点:这项计划并不是为了帮助那些买了房本身却没有按揭能力,继而又从中获利的人。它也不是用来帮助那些一下子买多套房子然后转手以投机目的卖掉的人。 这项计划的真正用途是来帮助成千上万的那些有责任心的房贷人员,他们每个月都交着月供,但现在却由于房屋价值缩水或者被大量的反锁手续所困扰而无法获得贷款。 ——译文来自: suyonghua