【TED】是一个会议的名称,它是英文technology,entertainment, design三个单词的首字母缩写。它是社会各界精英交流的盛会,这里有当代最杰出的思想家,这里有当代最优秀的科学家,这里有迸发着最闪耀的思想火花,这里孕育着最光辉的梦想。




Now I'm going to show you what that does to our societies. We collected data on problems with social gradients, the kind of problems that are more common at the bottom of the social ladder. Internationally comparable data on life expectancy, on kids' maths and literacy scores, on infant mortality rates, homicide rates, proportion of the population in prison, teenage birthrates, levels of trust, obesity, mental illness which in standard diagnostic classification includes drug and alcohol addiction and social mobility. We put them all in one index. They're all weighted equally. Where a country is is a sort of average score on these things. And there, you see it in relation to the measure of inequality I've just shown you, which I shall use over and over again in the data. The more unequal countries are doing worse on all these kinds of social problems. It's an extraordinarily close correlation. But if you look at that same index of health and social problems in relation to GNP per capita, gross national income, there's nothing there, no correlation anymore.
接下来我将会展示这对我们社会有什么影响。 我们针对社会内部差异产生的问题收集了数据, 这类问题在社会最底层 更加的普遍。 国际上可供比较的数据包括平均寿命、 儿童的数学和语文成绩、 婴儿死亡率、自杀率、 监狱人口比例、少女早孕率、 互信程度、 肥胖、心理疾病—— 这些病都符合标准的诊断分类 包括毒瘾和酒瘾—— 以及社会流动率。 我们把所有这些都归到一个系数里。 他们都被平均加权。 一个国家的分数就是这些因子平均得到的。 你可以看到,这些分数是 与刚才我展示过的不平等比较相关的, 我将反复展示这些数据。 越是不平等的国家 在各种社会问题上 表现得就越差。 关联性非常强。 但是如果你看同样的 健康和社会问题 与人均国民收入以及 国民总收入的指数的比较, 那你就什么也不会发现, 再没有相关性了。