【TED】是一个会议的名称,它是英文technology,entertainment, design三个单词的首字母缩写。它是社会各界精英交流的盛会,这里有当代最杰出的思想家,这里有当代最优秀的科学家,这里有迸发着最闪耀的思想火花,这里孕育着最光辉的梦想。




You all know the truth of what I'm going to say. I think the intuition that inequality is divisive and socially corrosive has been around since before the French Revolution. What's changed is we now can look at the evidence, we can compare societies, more and less equal societies, and see what inequality does. I'm going to take you through that data and then explain why the links I'm going to be showing you exist. But first, see what a miserable lot we are. I want to start though with a paradox. This shows you life expectancy against gross national income -- how rich countries are on average. And you see the countries on the right, like Norway and the USA, are twice as rich as Israel,Greece , Portugal on the left. And it makes no difference to their life expectancy at all. There's no suggestion of a relationship there. But if we look within our societies, there are extraordinary social gradients in health running right across society. This, again, is life expectancy. These are small areas of England and Wales -- the poorest on the right, the richest on the left.
你们都应该知道我要讲的事实。 我认为不平等能够引起社会分裂和腐化的这种直觉 在法国大革命之前就存在了。 不同的是 我们现在可以找出证据, 我们可以通过比较社会,平等程度不同的社会, 来了解不平等导致的影响。 我将给你们展示一些数据 并解释为什么 那些数据确实存在关联。 但是首先,来看看我们的命有多苦。 我想以一个 矛盾开始我的演讲。 这张图显示了我们的平均寿命, 相对于国民总收入的关系,后者衡量的是国家的平均富裕程度。 你们可以看看右侧的那些国家, 像挪威和美国, 它们的富裕程度是以色列、希腊、葡萄牙这些左侧的国家的两倍。 但这并没有影响它们国民的平均寿命。 没有相互关联的迹象。 但是如果我们去了解社会内部, 就能发现在它们整个社会内部 有很大的健康状况差异。 这张图展示的,依然是平均寿命。 这些都是英格兰和威尔士的小镇—— 最穷的在右侧,最富的在左侧。