【TED】是一个会议的名称,它是英文technology,entertainment, design三个单词的首字母缩写。它是社会各界精英交流的盛会,这里有当代最杰出的思想家,这里有当代最优秀的科学家,这里有迸发着最闪耀的思想火花,这里孕育着最光辉的梦想。

Skylar Tibbits
MIT researcher Skylar Tibbits works on self-assembly the idea that instead of building something . we can create materials that build themselves, much the way a strand of DNA zips itself together. It's a big concept at early stages; Tibbits shows us three in-the-lab projects that hint at what a self-assembling future might look like.



Today I'd like to show you the future of the way we make things. I believe that soon our buildings and machines will be self-assembling, replicating and repairing themselves. So I'm going to show you what I believe is the current state of manufacturing, and then compare that to some natural systems. So in the current state of manufacturing, we have skyscrapers -- two and a half years, 500000 to a million parts, fairly complex, new, exciting technologies in steel, concrete, glass. We have exciting machines that can take us into space 5 years , 2.5 million parts. But on the other side, if you look at the natural systems, we have proteins that have 2 million types, can fold in 10000 nanoseconds, or DNA with three billion base pairs we can replicate in roughly an hour. So there's all of this complexity in our natural systems, but they're extremely efficient, far more efficient than anything we can build, far more complex than anything we can build. They're far more efficient in terms of energy. They hardly ever make mistakes. And they can repair themselves for longevity.
今天我想向各位展示 未来我们制作东西的方式。 我相信很快我们的建筑和机器 将能自我组装, 自我复制和自我修复。 因此我要向各位展示 我所认为的制造业的当前状况, 接着再将其与一些自然系统比较。 那么在当前的制造业中,我们有摩天大楼 —— 两年半的时间, 50万至上百万个部分, 非常复杂, 使用了在钢铁,混凝土和玻璃方面的新技术。 我们有令人激动的机器, 可以带我们进入太空—— 五年时间,两百五十万个部分。 但另一方面,如果看看自然系统, 我们有拥有两百万种类型的 蛋白质, 能在一万纳秒内折叠起来, 我们能在大约一小时内 对带有三十亿碱基对的DNA进行复制。 这就是我们 自然系统的复杂性, 但它们非常高效, 比我们建造的任何东西都要高效, 比我们能建造的任何东西都要复杂。 它们在能源方面更加高效。 它们很少犯错。 他们能自我修复保持长寿。