Summary:雷·安德森(Ray Anderson)是著名的地毯生产产家Interface(界面地毯)的创始人兼CEO。在这个深情的演讲里,安德森讲述了自己从一个掠夺者到环保公益人士的转变。对于政府、企业和NGO,可以让我们直观的看到商业领袖自身在环境气候问题上的变化。

"Without a name, an unseen face, and knowing not your time or place, Tomorrow's child, though yet unborn, I met you first last Tuesday morn. A wise friend introduced us two. And through his sobering point of view I saw a day that you would see, a day for you but not for me. Knowing you has changed my thinking. For I never had an inkling that perhaps the things I do might someday, somehow threaten you. Tomorrow's child, my daughter, son, I'm afraid I've just begun to think of you and of your good, though always having known I should. Begin, I will. The way the cost of what I squander, what is lost, if ever I forget that you will someday come and live here too." Well, every day of my life since, "Tomorrow's Child" has spoken to me with one simple but profound message, which I presume to share with you. We are, each and every one, a part of the web of life. The continuum of humanity, sure, but in a larger sense, the web of life itself. And we have a choice to make during our brief, brief visit to this beautiful blue and green living planet: to hurt it or to help it. For you, it's your call.
“没有名字、没有面孔、不知哪里出生、不知何日降临 明日的孩子,虽然尚未降生 上个周二的早晨,我遇到了你 智者为我们引荐了对方 透过他那沉重的观点 我看到了你也能看到的一天,那属于你,不属于我 因为你改变了我的思考 我从没有想到 我所做的,也许有一天, 会伤害你。 明日的孩子,我的女儿,我的儿子 我这才开始想到你,以及你该享有的好生活 虽然我知道,我更早就该开始想 我会开始 我总是在想,我所浪费的、我所丢失的 我却忘记了 有一天,你也会降生,也会生活在这里。“ 那天开始,我的每一天内心都会燃起“明日的孩子”的记忆。带给我一个简单而又深刻的信息。我希望可以跟大家分享:我们每一个人都是生命之网的一部分,都是人类的一部分,甚而言之,也都是生命之网的一部分。来到这个生机勃勃的绿色的星球上, 我们的旅程很短, 我们必须作出选择。 是毁坏它,还是维护它? 对于大家,这就是带给你们的召唤了。