2017-01-06 10:45
System of diverse funding improved
The scope of government investment is being clearly specified, the way in which such investment is arranged is optimized and investment management is regulated, and sustainable and steady government financial support for space activities is guaranteed.
The mechanism for market access and withdrawal has been improved. A list of investment projects in the space industry has been introduced for better management in this regard. Non-governmental capital and other social sectors are encouraged to participate in space-related activities, including scientific research and production, space infrastructure, space information products and services, and use of satellites to increase the level of commercialization of the space industry.
The government has increased its cooperation with private investors, and the mechanism for government procurement of astronautic products and services has been improved.
Training of professionals for the space industry strengthened
The mechanisms related to the training, assessment, flow of and incentives for professional personnel are being improved in an effort to form a well-structured contingent of highly qualified personnel in the course of construction of important projects and major programs, which consists of strategic scientists, leading researchers and technicians, entrepreneurs and high-caliber professionals, as well as experts in international cooperation.
Knowledge about space science disseminated
Events have been organized around “China Space Day,” “World Space Week” and “Science and Technology Week” to disseminate knowledge and culture about space, promote the “Spirit of the Manned Space Program,” inspire the nation, especially its young people, to develop an interest in science, explore the unknown and make innovations, and attract more people into China’s space industry.
V. International Exchanges and Cooperation
The Chinese government holds that all countries in the world have equal rights to peacefully explore, develop and utilize outer space and its celestial bodies, and that all countries’ outer space activities should be beneficial to their economic development and social progress, and to the peace, security, survival and development of mankind.
International space cooperation should adhere to the fundamental principles stated in the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, and the Declaration on International Cooperation in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space for the Benefit and in the Interests of All States, Taking into Particular Account the Needs of Developing Countries. China maintains that international exchanges and cooperation should be strengthened on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, peaceful utilization and inclusive development.
Fundamental policies
The Chinese government has adopted the following fundamental policies with regard to international space exchanges and cooperation:
– Supporting activities regarding the peaceful use of outer space within the framework of the United Nations;
– Supporting all inter-governmental and non-governmental space organizations’ activities that promote development of the space industry;
– Strengthening bilateral and multilateral cooperation which is based on common goals and serves the Belt and Road Initiative;
– Supporting the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization to play an important role in regional space cooperation, and attaching importance to space cooperation under the BRICS cooperation mechanism and within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
– Encouraging and endorsing the efforts of domestic scientific research institutes, industrial enterprises, institutions of higher learning and social organizations to develop international space exchanges and cooperation in diverse forms and at various levels under the guidance of relevant state policies, laws and regulations.