2017-01-05 10:09
Space applications
China will improve its space application service system oriented toward industries, regions and the public, expand integrated application of space information, and improve the application and marketing of scientific and technological results. Consequently, the scale, operational standards and industrialization level of space applications will be raised to serve national security and national economic and social development.
(1) Industrial applications. In view of the need for global land surveying and geographic information acquisition, resource development and environmental protection, maritime development and management, and the protection of related rights and interests, natural disaster prevention and reduction and emergency response, global climate change control, food security, social management and public services, China plans to consolidate the integrated application of space infrastructure, and enhance its ability to provide timely, accurate and steady services.
(2) Regional applications. In view of the need for regional urban planning, construction, operation management and social services, China will develop comprehensive satellite applications, such as new urbanization layout, and smart towns and smart transport applications, to serve the coordinated development of the eastern, central, western, northeastern parts of the country, collaborated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, building of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and economic and social development of other regions in China. In addition, China will intensify its services oriented toward the nationally targeted poverty alleviation and eradication, and operate space information services targeting old revolutionary base areas, ethnic minorities regions, frontier areas, poverty-stricken areas and islands in the sea.
(3) Public services. Aiming at public information consumption and services, including smart tourism, broadcasting and TV, distance learning, telemedicine, and cultural communication, China is determined to develop smart terminals of satellite applications and wearable electronics, improve space information fusion applications, and advance the industrialization of space applications, fostering new growth points for the national economy.
Space science
Targeting major frontier areas of space science and technology, China will implement a series of new space science satellite programs, establish a series of space science satellites featuring sustainable development, and reinforce basic application research. Major discoveries and breakthroughs are expected in the frontier areas of space science to further mankind’s knowledge of the universe.
(1) Space astronomy and space physics. China will seek evidence of the existence of dark matter by using dark matter particle exploration satellites to detect high-energy electrons and high-energy gamma rays in the universe. It plans to launch a hard X-ray modulation telescope to study the matter dynamics and high-energy radiation processes in the strong gravitational field of compact celestial bodies and black holes. Relevant resources will be brought into play for research into large-scale structure and interaction models of solar wind and the magnetosphere, and response to magnetospheric substorm change process.
(2) Scientific experiments in space. The Shijian-10 recoverable satellite, Chang’e probes, Shenzhou spacecraft, Tiangong-2 space laboratory and Tianzhou-1 cargo spacecraft are to be used to implement scientific experiments and research in biology, life sciences, medicine and materials in the space environment.
(3) Quantum experiments in space. Quantum experiment satellites are to be used to conduct experiments and research in the fields of quantum key transmission, quantum entanglement distribution, and quantum teleportation.
(4) Basic and applied research. China will carry out basic research into sun-earth space environment, space climate, and solar activity and its impact on space climate, and implement space-related interdisciplinary research as well. Comprehensive techniques will be developed for analyzing data from space observations on the properties of X-rays, the energy spectrum and spatial distribution of high-energy electrons and high-energy gamma rays, space physics, extraterrestrial celestial bodies, and the earth’s electromagnetic field and ionosphere, to promote the application of space research findings.
Space environment
China will improve the standardization system for space debris, near-earth objects and space climate. It will enhance the space debris basic database and data-sharing model, and advance the development of space debris monitoring facilities, the early warning and emergency response platform and the online service system, through reinforcing integrated utilization of resources. The protection systems of spacecraft will be further strengthened. Furthermore, efforts will be made to improve the space environment monitoring system and to build a disaster early warning and prediction platform to raise our preventative capability. It will conduct studies on the building of facilities for monitoring near-earth objects, and put the plan into operation to elevate our capability to monitor and catalog such objects.