2016-11-08 09:59
Space Journal: Entry 2
新华社太空特约记者 陈冬
By Xinhua special correspondent Chen Dong
Aboard Tiangong-2, October 21, 2016
Today is my third day aboard Tiangong-2. I am Xinhua space correspondent Chen Dong.
Being in space for the first time is unusual, to say the least, initially I felt that I could not control my body. I could not walk and certain actions just felt weird. My big brother Jing Haipeng has really helped me adjust to life up here, and I am slowly getting used to the feeling of zero gravity, and, you know what – I’m starting to enjoy it more and more.
I sleep well but I think that is because during our waking hours we are busy so that I fall asleep as soon as I close my eyes at night. Have I dreamed? I think so, because of all the new things I am experiencing during the day. I definitely dreamed of the feeling of zero gravity.
Before being here, in space, I was most excited by the view from our porthole. Actually, I saw it from our spacecraft when the fairing detached. I was so taken by this vision – our beautiful planet – that I made sure to take a few glances to really leave an imprint in my mind. While I was hypnotized by the view of Earth, bro Jing asked me how it made me feel. All I could say was that it was very beautiful. I had no more words for the way I felt at that moment. As being in space is not just about the view – we have a lot of work to do after all – I had to take as much in as I could in just a few moments. After all, I will always have the memory of this amazing moment.
I haven’t seen the sunrise or sunset yet, just day and night. I’m sure the time will come for me to experience them both. And, as for taking photos or recording videos, I want to collect as much visual data as possible, as much for the world as for my own memories.
I heard that Xu Sidan, a student from Hangzhou School for the Deaf asked me a question on Xinhua’s mobile app. Xu asked whether I have seen aliens yet? What a beautiful imagination this child has. I haven’t seen aliens, yet, but I do harbor a hope that I will see aliens, and many other peculiar things aside.
Another child asked me whether human get space sickness. Although a spaceship is a “ship,” it is not at all like being at sea or onboard a car. This feeling of zero gravity will not cause sickness. It is just a wonderful feeling; very, very good.