


Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
Possibility refers to the chance of something happening. What does the possibility refer to? What is the possibility? What is the outcome?
This week's topic: They looked at the possibility... (90-110 words)

1) possibility of success
2) looking at all the possibilities
3) enabling more possibilities
4) possibility of collapse
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.


He stepped into the office and carefully closed the door. Taking his keys out from his pocket, he held onto the detection device attached to his key ring. Using this piece of high technology equipment, Doug walked around the club manager's office to check for the location of the surveillance device he was to uninstall. He walked around the room and honed in on the areas with the highest possibility of having a bug installed. The equipments were located where Doug expected them to be. Right away, Doug got down to business and started uninstalling the devices swiftly.
