

At the first of this news, what occurs to your mind? Later have you read his declaration? If you have, could share your feelings? If not, I recommend you to enjoy it and then share your thoughts.


It is when I was looking through news on my smartphone as usual that I first learned this word that Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, shared his privacy with the public, saying he's gay. The first thought that occured to me is that there comes one more celebrity who is so courageous and frank to both himself and others. That is all. However, after learning further about this news, that is to say, reading Tim Cook's passage of his declaration, I have something more to share. Firstly, it is no doubt that it is something of an excellent speech because it tugs at my heartstrings while reading it. In other words, I do enjoy reading it. Secondly, it is sort of Tim Cook's self-analysis of himself, which puts forward the lasting question "Who are you and what kind of person do you want to be?" Tim Cook says, "I'm an engineer, an uncle, a nature lover, a fitness nut, a son of the South, a sports fanatic, and many other things." For yourself, do you have any answers or answers different from previous ones at this moment?
