1. Joe came to the window as the crowdchanted: “Joe, Joe, Joe!”
A. jumped
B. repeated
C. maintained
2. What puzzles me is why hisbooks are so popular.
A. confuses
B. shocks
C. influences
3. The storm caused severedamage.
A. physical
C. environmental
D. serious
4. Our aim was to update thehealth service, and we succeeded.
A. offer
B. modernize
C. provide
5. Her comments about men are utterlyridiculous.
A. slightly
C. faintly
D. completely
6. A large crowd assembled outsidethe American embassy.
A. watched
B. gathered
C. shouted
7. The contempt he felt for hisfellow students was obvious.
A. need
B. hate
C. size
8. All the flats in the building hadthe same layout.
A. color
B. arrangement
C. size
9. The weather was crisp andclear and you could see the mountains fifty miles away.
A. hot
C. fresh
D. windy
10. He inspired many youngpeople to take up the sport.
A. advised
C. called
D. encouraged
11. I think £7for a drink is a bit steep, don’t you?
A. tight
B. high
C. low
12. Most babied can take in awide range of food easily.
A. bring
B. digest
C. keep
D. serve
13. The city centre was wiped outby the bomb.
A. covered
D. moved
14. The walls are made of hollowconcrete blocks.
A. empty
B. big
C. long
15. Do we have to wear these name tags?
A. lists
B. labels
C. forms