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《NOE.闪光的句子》   作 者:朱葵

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Footprints in the sands of time weren't created by those sitting down. Between saying and doing,many a pair of shoes is worn out.
第一句解析: Take action and leave your mark.行动起来,留下足迹。 To live out dreams,we must wake up and do something. Ships last a lot longer when they go to sea than when they stand in the harbor.You don't preserve a plane by keeping it on the ground.You preserve it by keeping it in service. 穿越海洋的船比只停在港口更耐久。保养飞机不是老是让他在地面上,而是投入使用。 第二句解析: Procrastination is the thief of time.拖延是时间的盗贼。在说与做之间消耗太多,会一事无成。Remember,you learn to swim by swimming.You learn to dance by dancing.记住,只有游泳才能让你学会游泳,跳舞使你学会跳舞。Do it now!Today will be yesterday tomorrow.立即行动吧,到明天,今天就成了昨天。