人人有饭吃,是人类最基本的生存权利,是一切人权的基础。全球农业发展取得了长足的进步,但饥饿和贫困依然是一种“无声的危机”,深深困扰着全人类。目前世界上还有8亿多贫困人口面临着食物不足、营养不良的威胁。 |
“人人有饭吃,是人类最基本的生存权利,是一切人权的基础。”这个句子也可将后面“是一切人权的基础”做为平行结构来译。 长足、非凡这类形容词看来很难,实际上都是一些很简单的词,考试时一定注意,不要舍近求远,使用一些怪异的表达。 “无声””困扰”同样都是很简单的词汇,但需要考生有很强的语内解释能力,在文章中形成简单而正确的搭配。 “食物不足、营养不良”这类词都属于固定表达,需要在日常学习中积累,字典当中也会有这类搭配,靠在考场上生造是不行的。 |
本句参考译文: |
Food for all is, for mankind, the most fundamental right of survival, which serves as the basis for all other human rights. Great progress has been made in the global agricultural development. Yet hunger and poverty have remained a "silent crisis", deeply troubling all human beings. Over 800 million poor people in the world still face the threat of food shortages and malnutrition. |
促进农业发展,消除饥饿和贫困,依然是世界面临的重大挑战,也是全人类肩负的共同责任。国际社会应当携起手来,加强农业合作,更多关注发展中国家、尤其是一些最不发达国家的诉求。 |
“肩负的”这类带有执行性、比喻或者拟人性的动词,如果主语是非人称名词,在翻译的时候要学会弱化或者转译,否则会带来效果不好的奇怪搭配。 再看一例: “也正因为如此,许多国外强势品牌都在千方百计围绕 中国农村市场大做文章。”这句话中“品牌做文章”这个结构如果硬译,就会显得非常生硬,不符合英语表达习惯 . In fact, many powerful western companies are also working most conscientiously on tapping this section of Chinese market.将主语由品牌转为公司,读起来会比较舒服。 诉求一词听起来非常高大上,实际上就是calls, appeals之类的简单词汇。
本句参考译文: |
To promote agricultural development and eradicate hunger and poverty remains a major challenge of the world and a common responsibility of mankind. The international community may join hands to enhance agricultural cooperation and pay greater attention to the calls of developing countries, in particular certain least developed countries (LDCs).
应减少贸易保护,加强对最不发达国家农业技术、资金等支持,提高全球农业生产水平和粮食安全保障水平。 |
本句为无主句,处理时可以加we,或者如答案一样转成被动,以efforts做主语,切忌不加主语变成不完整句,另外,前后两个半句间是明显的因果关系,加上一个so as to 难度并不大。 水平一词应该不译出,由抽象名词来代替。 |
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Efforts should be made to curb trade protectionism and increase the technical and financial assistance to the agricultural sector of the LDCs so as to raise the global agricultural productivity and increase food security. |
中国作为世界上最大的发展中国家,任何时候都是维护世界粮食安全的积极力量。尽管中国农业进一步发展面临不少困难,但我们仍将不懈努力,用行动来兑现诺言,主要依靠自己的力量解决好吃饭问题。我们愿与世界各国携手奋进,共同创造一个无饥饿、无贫困、可持续发展的世界。 |
“任何时候”这类表达都属于专有说法 “兑现诺言”除了句子里的译法,也可以用honor our commitment. 不懈努力也可以译为 “work industriously.” 无饥饿、无贫困:用free from来说显得比较地道。 要依靠自己的力量解决好吃饭问题。这种比喻比较生动的说法,最好不要直译,转为“保证充足的食物供应。” |
本句参考译文: |
As the largest developing country, China will always be an active force for safeguarding world food security. Although China faces quite a few difficulties ahead in its agricultural development, we will continue to work tirelessly to deliver on our commitment through actions. We will ensure adequate food supply mainly on our own. We are ready to work with countries around the world to create a world of sustainable development that is free from hunger and poverty. |