本次笔译实务考查的话题仍然为当前中国经济社会发展热点话题,内容涉及气候变化,生态文明以及中国相应的政策和举措。该话题在中国政府工作报告,政府工作白皮书以及国际国内高峰会议上多由涉及。该话题也是各类翻译训练、辅导,平时训练的重点,多数句型已经形成规范表达,专业术语也已经形成规范。对此话题,广大考生应该并不感到陌生,应对起来不应感到困难。 |
原文及译文 |
文本分析 |
气候变化已不是单纯的环境保护问题,而成为人类生存与发展问题。中国需要改变以煤为主的能源结构和高污染、高能耗的产业结构,以治理环境和应对全球气候变化。 |
本句涉及多个专业术语表达,如“气候变化(climate change)”、“环境保护(environmental protection)”、“高污染,高耗能(heavy pollution and high energy consumption)”。 另外,核心词“应对”的翻译可以有多个选择,如“address, cope with, tacle”,甚至可以用“fight, combat”. 从句法结构来看,原文的句法和结构相对完整,逻辑清晰,因此译文可以按照原文断句,无需重新组句。
To address climate change has become a major concern of the subsistence and development of mankind, rather than a simple issue of environmental protection. In an attempt to govern the environment and address global climate change, it is imperative for China to change its coal-dominated energy composition and the industrial structure featuring heavy pollution and high energy consumption. |
同时,积极应对气候变化也是中国参与全球治理的责任,也是实现可持续发展的迫切需要。中国作为世界最大的发展中国家,需要积极推动经济与能源的转型,以推动全球可持续发展。 |
本句中的固定表达为“全球治理(global governance)”、“可持续发展(sustainable development)”、“发展中国家(developing country)”、“经济转型(economic transformation)” 从句法上看,此处两句合并翻译成一句即可,核心意思是“对于中国这个世界最大的发展国家来说,要积极应对气候变化以参与全球治理,同时推动经济与能源转型以促进全球可持续发展”。也可分开翻译,以求译文简洁,清晰。
Meanwhile, to proactively cope with climate change is both an international duty for China to participate in global governance and an urgent need to achieve sustainable development. As the largest developing country in the world, China also calls for a positive transformation in economic drive and energy consumption so as to promote a sustained global economic development. |
长期以来,中国高度重视气候变化问题,把积极应对气候变化作为国家经济社会发展的重大战略,把绿色低碳发展作为生态文明建设的重要内容,采取了一系列行动,为应对全球气候变化做出了重要贡献。 |
“高度重视”的固定表达为“attach great importance to...”;“重大战略”为“significant/major strategy”。 专业化表达“绿色低碳发展”可译为“green and low-carbon development” “生态文明”译为“ecological civilization”。 “为……作出贡献”译为“contribute...to.../make contribution to...”。 本句包含的语义较多,且相互关联度不高,建议采取“拆分”的手法,译成两句话。 |
For a long time, China unwaveringly attaches great importance to addressing clime change, making it a significant national strategy for its social and economic development and promoting green and low-carbon development as an important component of the ecological civilization. China has already taken a series of actions and made great contribution to combating the global climate change. |
到2020年单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放比2005年下降40%-45%,非化石能源占一次能源消费总量的比重达到15%,森林面积比2005年增加4000万公顷,森林蓄积量2005年增加13亿立方米。 |
本句中的术语表达较为专业,且不易从词典上查到,如“国内生产总值二氧化碳排放量(carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP)”、“非化石能源(non-fossil fuels)”和“一次能源消费(primary energy consumption)”需要经过专门学习开可以准确翻译。 另外需要注意“增长/下降”百分比的表达方式为“increase/decrease by ~%”。 |
By 2020, China will have reduced its carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by 40% to 45% on the basis of its 2005 level, increased the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to 15% and enlarged its forest area by 40 million hectares and forest stock volume by 1.3 billion cubic meters. |
中国还将在农业、林业、水资源等重点领域和城市、沿海、生态脆弱地区形成有效抵御气候变化风险的机制,提高抵抗能力。 |
本句中的专业词语为“重点领域”,可译为“key areas”或“major sectors”,“生态脆弱地区”可译为“eco-fragile areas/zones”,也可用描述的语句如“areas which is vulnerable to...”. 从句法上讲,本句的核心成分是:中国(在……领域)形成(……)机制,和提高抵抗能力。 |
China will also work hard to develop an effective mechanism and enhance its capacities to cope with climate change risks in some key areas such as agriculture, forestry, water resources as well as in some cities, coastal areas and eco-fragile zones. |