文学作品的翻译往往讲究用词,而批评史,西方文论这类理论性文章则更考验译者的逻辑思维。如何翻译好这类文本呢?本文将以理查德·沃斯沃(Richard Waswo)的The Rise of the Vernaculars(《本土语言的兴起》)为文本,比较两种译文,在比较中探寻一些方法。
原文1:Robert Burton’s complaint in 1621 that he could find no publisher willing to print his mammoth book in Latin marks the achievement of a kind of revolution during the sixteenth century. As the result of a conscious campaign and numerous polemics, first developed in Italy, then continued in France, the results of which were simply transferred to England, the major vernacular languages of Western Europe had by that date effectively dislodged the monopoly held by Latin on all forms of serious, written or printed, enquiry. -- Richard Waswo “The Rise of the Vernaculars”
译文2:Robert Burton曾在1621年抱怨找不到出版商来出版自己用拉丁文写成的鸿篇巨著;不过,这倒是标志着16世纪一场重大变革的成果。此前拉丁文在各类书面或印刷版本的严肃著述中都占据着垄断地位;然而到16世纪,意大利发动了一场自觉的宣传行动,多部辩论集在此期间问世。此后,变革发展到法国,其成果又直接照搬到了英格兰。到1621年的时候,拉丁文在书面严肃著述中的垄断地位已经受到了西欧本土语言的有力冲击。
1、 每位作者都有自身的写作特点,翻译时了解作者的特点将有助于把握整体文风。比如本文作者Richard Waswo 并不喜欢平铺直叙,喜欢把话说一半,让读者自己去琢磨。翻译时,译者应该把隐含的部分翻出来,方便读者理解上下文。Richard Waswo 喜爱用长句,复杂句,翻译时一定要把整篇文章的基本意思理解透彻了。
2、 “Robert Burton’s complaint in 1621 that he could find no publisher willing to print his mammoth book in Latin marks the achievement of a kind of revolution during the sixteenth century.”这句译文1读完,会让读者认为所谓“一场革命的胜利”可能意思是长篇著作没人读了,这个事件最重要的点是用拉丁文写出来的书出版商觉得没人读了,这标志着当时发生了变革。
3、 “As the result of a conscious campaign and numerous polemics, first developed in Italy, then continued in France, the results of which were simply transferred to England, the major vernacular languages of Western Europe had by that date effectively dislodged the monopoly held by Latin on all forms of serious, written or printed, enquiry.”这句为长难句,译文1是按照原文的顺序翻译的,译文2对原文语序做了调整。汉语强调“想法变动”(movement of ideas),英文强调“句法变动“(movement of syntax),会把主干结构先拎出来,附属结构往后堆。所以在原文中,明明拉丁文的垄断发在前,但因为是附属结构,就堆到了句子最后,但如果翻译时也这么处理,就会导致读者看得没头没尾。
原文2:When, just a century earlier, intellectuals or scholars wished to address the widest audience of their peers, there was no choice about the language: Erasmus’s Moriae encomium [Praise of folly] (1511), More’s Utopia (1516), Polydore Vergil’s Anglicae historiae libri XXVI (1534).
译文2:仅仅一个世纪以前,知识精英和学者若要面向同时代的广泛读者著书立说,他们还无法选择拉丁文之外的语言。这样的例子如伊拉斯谟斯的《愚人颂》(Moriae encomium) (1511)、莫尔的《乌托邦》 (Utopia)(1516)、波利多尔·弗吉尔的《英国史》(Anglicae historiae libri xxvi)(1534)。
1、 无需生硬地套用原文里的标点符号,尤其需要注意的是冒号、破折号、逗号、分号等。完全照搬原文标点符号,有时反而画蛇添足,降低译文可读性。
2、 译文要注意长度,对于长句而言,较为恰当的长度是一口气读完。如果一口气读不完,则会影响读者观感,需要断句。