It’s a beautiful fall day. Clifford, Cleo and T-bone are making leaf piles.

T-bone’s leaf pile is ready. But he has to go home. It’s time for him to go for a walk. “I will watch your leaves,” says Clifford. “They will be safe with me. I promise.”
T-bone的树叶堆好了。但是他必须要回家了。因为他到了散步的时间了。“我会照看你的树叶的,” Clifford说。“有我在它们会好好的。我保证。”

“I want to jump in,” says Clifford. “Me too,” says Cleo. They run to the pile and jump in with a big CRUNCH! The leaves fly. A strong wind blows them everywhere.

Clifford and Cleo chase T-bone’s leaves. One leaf is under the truck. Another leaf is on some French fries.

Clifford and Cleo find every one of the missing leaves. “Great!” says Clifford. “Can we jump in?” asks Cleo. “No!” says Clifford.

T-bone is back. Clifford and Cleo tell him about it and say sorry. “I’m glad you tell me the truth,” says T-bone. “Let’s jump in together!”

Clifford, Cleo and T-bone jump in. CRUNCH! CRUNCH! The three friends have a great time together.



A. T-Bone has to go home.

B. T-Bone makes a leaf pile.

C. T-Bone is back. Clifford and Cleo tell him the truth.

1._________ 2._________ 3._________

Answer(反白可见哦): 1.B 2.A 3.C