
Tyrone Hayes: Environmental health is public health. If you're altering the environment in such a way that wildlife can't live in it anymore, that amphibians are declining globally, [--1--], then you're creating an environment that eventually we won't be able to live in, either.

You're listening to biologist Tyrone Hayes, of the University of California, Berkeley. He sees a close [--2--] between the health of frogs and the health of humans. Hayes studies how pesticides interact with hormones.

Tyrone Hayes: The [--3--] are the same. So the same chemical that will cause a male frog to make estrogen, cause a male frog to become a hermaphrodite, can cause excess estrogen production in humans, which can lead to breast cancer.

Hayes' research was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. His study showed that these chemicals originate in agricultural pesticides, which [--4--] into the water supply.

Tyrone Hayes: So the frog is getting it because of swimming, drinking, living in the water. A human would get it by being exposed as an agriculture worker or factory worker, but also by drinking the water in the home.

Hayes is concerned that people at high risk for exposure to chemicals may be the least aware of the health impacts.

Tyrone Hayes: The people who are most impacted – the workers, agricultural workers and factory workers – are less likely to have access to information and health care. [--5--]

I'm Lindsay Patterson for E&S, a clear voice for science. We're at

for example connection hormones run off So it's really important that we get that information out.
1 for example 例如 2 connection 联系,关系 3 hormones --->hormone [ˈhɔ:məun] n.荷尔蒙,激素 Hormone secretion is controlled by the pituitary gland.荷尔蒙的分泌是由垂体控制的。 Hormone —— 荷尔蒙(激素) --->术语表里的,应该比较权威吧 体内某器官或其细胞产生的一种化学物质,对某一或某些器官的活动有特殊的调节功能;最初指各种内分泌腺所分泌的物质,并经血液输送,到达靶器官而产生效应,后来激素一词亦指那些不是由特殊腺体所产生,而具有相似作用的各种物质。 4 run off 流掉 文本中的run off into water就是(那个杀虫剂啊)流入水中 5 So it’s really important that we get that information out. 所以我们了解那些信息真的很重要 【视听版科学小组荣誉出品】 以上仅供参考,欢迎大家参与讨论~