TV-shows are gaining popularity on BitTorrent year after year. In 2009 a new milestone was reached; for two shows in the top 10 – Heroes and Dexter – the number of downloads on BitTorrent has exceeded the average viewership on US television.


The rise of unauthorized downloading of TV-shows is a signal that customers want something that is not available through other channels. Availability seems to be the key issue why people turn to BitTorrent, and this is also reflected in the fact that most downloads occur from countries where the show has yet to air on TV.



2009年度 美剧BT下载前10名排行榜 
排名 美剧片名 下载次数 美国本土总收视率
1 超能英雄 6,580,000 5,900,000
2 迷失 6,310,000 11,050,000
3 越狱 3,450,000 5,300,000
4 双面法医 2,780,000 2,300,000
5 豪斯医生 2,590,000 15,600,000
6 24小时 2,440,000 12,620,000
7 绝望主妇 2,180,000 15,500,000
8 终结者外传 1,960,000 6,340,000
9 实习医生格蕾 1,740,000 15,640,000
10 真爱如血 1,600,000 12,400,000