沪江英乐讯    乡村小美女Taylor Swift新专辑《Fearless》当中的第二支单曲"White Horse"的MV现已拍摄完毕,于上周六在全美播放。据悉,这支MV的男主角是由热门青春偶像剧《One Tree Hill》的男星Stephen Colletti扮演,由导演Trey Fanjoy指导(此前也拍摄过Taylor Swift的"Love Story" 听歌 和"Teardrops on My Guitar."两支MV)。

在刚结束的第51届美国格莱美音乐奖颁奖典礼上,Taylor Swift作为表演嘉宾和另一位当红青春歌手Miley Cyrus 听歌 共同演唱了自己专辑里的另一首歌曲"Fifteen"。

White Horse完整版试听>>

乡村美女Taylor Swift最新梦幻MV:Love Story

09格莱美图集:Taylor Swift黑色长裙靓丽迷人

Taylor Swift new "White Horse" music video was released on Saturday. It features One Tree Hill star Stephen Colletti as Taylor's love interest.

The video was directed by Trey Fanjoy, who worked with Taylor previously on videos including "Love Story" and "Teardrops on My Guitar."

"White Horse" is the second single from Taylor's new CD, Fearless. Taylor also performed another track from the album, "Fifteen", at the Grammys on Sunday night.

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