Ted changes Barney's bachelor party plans for Marshall at the last minute, so that it won't just consist of gambling and cheap strippers. And Robin gets Lily an inappropriate shower party gift.

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最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D

May this give for you as much joy as it's brought me. Grandma, um... Wow. Well, take it out, honey. I want to show you how to use it. Okay, no, no! Don't take it out. Lily, that's not your grandma's gift. It's mine. I panicked, and I switched the cards because I was embarrassed. Well, what is it?
愿它给你欢愉 就像它曾带给我的 奶奶... 拿出来啊 亲爱的 我想教你怎么用 不 不 别拿出来 莉莉 那不是你奶奶的礼物 是我的 我很慌张 我很尴尬 所以我偷换了礼物上的卡片 这到底是什么