Ted changes Barney's bachelor party plans for Marshall at the last minute, so that it won't just consist of gambling and cheap strippers. And Robin gets Lily an inappropriate shower party gift.

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It's broken. Oh, damn it, this is bad. I really can't lose this job. My daughters are about to start school, and my fianc? well... ever since he got back from Iraq, pretty much all he does is drink. I think about leaving him, but... I don't want my girls growing up without a dad like I did. I don't want them to know what that's like. So, show time? What is the matter with you? Her ankle's broken. I know for a fact that the second half of her act takes place largely in a seated or supine position. Oh, that's true. Treasure, please, don't worry about the show. Uh, we'd feel bad. What does that mean? No. We just mean, uh, you're off the hook. You don't have to do it. I don't have to do it? Well, guess what? I know I don't have to do it. I do it because I am good at it. Look, I don't need your pity. All I want to do is give you a great show because you're getting married! Is that so much to ask? Is that such a major inconvenience?!
腿断了 该死 这真糟糕 我不能丢掉这份工作 我女儿就要开学了 可我家那口子... 自打从伊拉克回来 他就只知道喝酒 我想过要离开他 但... 我不想女儿们像我一样 在没有父亲的环境长大 我不愿让她们有那样的经历 该表演了? 你有毛病? 她腿断了 我非常清楚 她通常以就座或仰卧的姿势 进行下半段的表演 是的 宝贝 别为演出发愁 我们会很内疚 你什么意思 我是说 你又不是妓女 你不是非得这么干 我不是非得这么干? 你算什么东西 我知道我该干什么 我做这行是因为我擅长 我不需要你的同情怜悯 我只是想让你欣赏到精彩的表演 因为你要结婚了! 这是很过分的要求吗 这让你很不便吗