


There is nothing more deceptive than a smile, and no one knows this better than the people who hide behind them. Some flash their teeth as a polite warning to their enemies. Some put on beaming faces to keep their tears from falling. Others wear silly grins to mask their fear. But then there is that rare smile that is actually genuine. It's the smile of a person who knows his troubles will soon be over.
没有什么比一个微笑更具有欺骗性,而这一点只有藏在微笑背后的人心里最清楚。 有的人对着他的敌人微笑着露出牙齿,只是先礼后兵;有的人强装笑颜只是为了抑制住流泪;而另一些人傻傻的裂开嘴笑,只是为了掩饰自己的恐惧。