


Power, it's the type of thing most people don't think about, until it's taken away. Whether it's the political power of the many, or a lover's influence over just one. We all want some sort of power in our lives, if only to give ourselves choices. Yes, to be without choices, to feel utterly powerless, well, it's a lot, like being alone in the dark.
能量,多数人平日里毫不在意,直到有一天猝然消逝才会察觉。 不论是大众的政治权力,还是恋人间亲亲我我的影响。 人生中我们都需要某种能量,哪怕只是给我们一些选择。 是的,假如连选择都没有,假如连一丝能量都没有,那么在黑暗中,蔓延开来的,就是无边无际的孤独。