


I know how painful this must be for you, it isn't easy for me either considering Andrew's role in it. And why have you told me this? Because I thought you'd want to know. Why? So you could do something. Do you think I'm an idiot? That I know nothing about the man I've lived with for 27 years? I've always assumed Howard had some... outlet, a friend tucked away somewhere. I didn't know. I didn't care to know. But thank you, for painting so vivid, so indelible a picture of my husband's activities. I'm sorry. I just felt that if it were me, I ... You'd want to know. Yes, absolutely. Then I owe you an apology, because I've been sitting on a little secret about your family. Oh? Actually it's not much of a secret. My daughter tells me it's a common knowledge among the cheerleaders. What is? The fact that Danielle is sleeping with her history teacher.
我明白这对你来说有多痛苦,对我而言也一样,特别一想到Andrew置身其中。 为什么你要告诉我这些? 我认为你应该想知道。 为什么我就应该知道了? 那样你就能做一些事了。 你认为我是傻子么?我会不知道那个和我生活了27年的男人干了些什么? 我一直设想Howard有一些发泄的途径,有个不为人知的朋友……我不知道,我也不想去知道。 但是感谢你对我丈夫的所作所为描述得这么生动。 我很抱歉,我只是觉得如果是我的话... 你会想知道。 是的,绝对。 那看来该是我对你说声抱歉了,因为我一直知道你家里的一个秘密。 噢? 事实上,这也不是什么秘密了。我女儿告诉我,这早已在拉拉队里传开了。 是什么? Danielle和她的历史老师上床了。 翻译:1st_Moment