



No, no, no! You want in, you're gonna have to go through me. I want my kid, Lynette. Kayla! Kayla come out here now! What is going on? Well, first you have a party and you don't invite me. And then you lie about it. So now, we're leaving. Wait a minute, hold on, hold on, hold on Kayla. I'm sorry. We're sorry. We shouldn't have done that. But look, Kayla is having such a good time. Why don't we all just come on in and have some cake and we can just...Lynette, Lynette. We can just have fun. Could you excuse me for one second? Lynette. Okay, okay, I know, but what else could I do? I'm just thinking of Kayla. I know you are, Tom, and I know you love her. Why else do you think I'm willing to put up with all this for six months? Why do you think I'm willing to say to my college roommates, 'Yes, that's my husband's love child and her mother in our Christmas picture.'? Because I am your wife! You always come first with me. Do I still come first with you?
不行,如果你想进去,必先经过我的允许。 我要我的孩子,Lynette。 Kayla,现在就给我出来! 发生什么事了? 首先,你们办了一个派对。其次,你们没有邀请我来。接着,你们又对我撒谎。所以,我们要现在要离开。 等等,Kayla,等一下。 我很抱歉,我们都很抱歉。我们不该这样做的,但是,Kayla在这里玩的这么高兴,为什么我们就不能这样走进去,享受一下点心,还可以……Lynette……我们会玩得很愉快的……不好意思,失陪一下。Lynette,好吧,我知道,但我还能怎样?我只是在为Kayla着想。 我知道你是为她着想,我也知道你爱她,不然你觉得我为什么能在这6个月来都忍受着这一切,为什么我愿意跟我的大学室友说出口'是呀,我丈夫的私生女和她的生母都在我家圣诞节全家福上面',因为我是你的妻子, 我凡事总是以你为先,而你会以我为先吗? 翻译:1st_Moment