Wisteria Lane
Susan Mayer


Everyone must choose the road they will take in life. And for a special few, that road would lead to Wisteria Lane. They all arrived the exact same way. Driving up in their overloaded trucks, bringing with them their expensive antiques and ordinary dreams. I remember the first moment I saw each of them. I met Susan Mayer the day she moved to Wisteria Lane. She seems so delightfully confident, I couldn't help but feel intimidated. That feeling quickly passed.
每个人都必须选择这一生她们要走的路,对于个别人来说 这条路是通向wisteria lane的。 他们都以同样的方式到达这里...开着超载的卡车,带着昂贵的古董和平常人的梦想。 我还记得我第一次见到他们时的情景。 susan mayer搬来的当天我就见到她了。她显得特别的自信,使我不禁觉得有些惧怕。 但这种感觉很快就消失贻尽了。