
You're not gonna walk me into a wall, are you? Of course not, but when you see it for the first time, I want you to get the whole impact. Ta-da! Okay, now I know it's a little more cramped than we're used to, but we can't stay at Bree's forever. She's gonna be coming back from that spa vacation soon. Besides, it's gonna be fun. Why are you doing this to me? I get good grades. I don't do drugs. I've never come home pregnant. Honey, I am trying my hardest to stand on my own two feet. All right, I've got six book proposals in the works. I'm gonna try to supervise the rebuilding of this house, but you know, I can't do it without your support. And I want you to be proud of me. Fine. Let's take a look inside. Oh, that's my girl! So, is there anything you should prepare me for? No, no. It's all good. Oh, but you should know that your bed doubles as the dining table, and the toilet's in the shower.
你不会是让我穿进一面墙吧? 当然不是啦,我只是希望当你第一眼看到时,会有一种震撼感。 好吧, 我知道这比起以前住的地方可能有些狭窄,但我们总不能永远呆在Bree家啊,她很快就会从温泉度假胜地回来。而且,住在这里(房车)会很好玩的。 你为什么要这样对我? 我学习成绩好,我不磕药,我也没顶着个大肚子回家。 亲爱的,我只是想尽力想靠自己。好嘛~我有六个出版计划要做,还要监督这个房子的重建工作,要是没有你的支持,我什么都做不了。 而且我希望你能为我感到自豪。 好吧。进去看看吧。 噢!这才是我的乖女儿呀! 哎……你还有神马“惊喜”要准备给我吗? 没有了,一切都还好!噢,不过你的床要兼用做餐桌,而且厕所跟洗澡的地方连在一起。 翻译:1st_Moment(水平有限,请多谅解,欢迎指正)