

Now and then, we all need a little help, so we ask for small favors. But it's always best to be wary of those eager to come to our rescue. Because even the smallest of favors carries a price tag. Yes, everyone has an agenda. No matter what they may tell us. And in those rare instances where there is no ulterior motive,we're so taken aback that we may fail to recognize the truth that a loving friend has just done us an enormous favor.
偶尔我们总会需要帮助,所以我们请别人帮点小忙。 不过对那些急切想拯救我们的人,最好要带着一颗机警的心。因为哪怕是最小的恩惠都是有价格的。 是的,每个人心里都有一本帐,不管他们是否告诉我们。别有用心的人太多了,像好朋友帮了大忙这样的情况真是少之又少。过分的警觉会导致我们失去了对真相的判断力。