When Marshall's car doesn't quite make it to 200,000 miles without dying completely, everybody reminisces about their greatest memories with the car.

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Weinerburger drive-thru


最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D

Surprise. We felt bad that you guys were missing the super-fun origami folding party, so... we suggested moving it here. We insisted. Terrific. How's the Fiero? She's still in triage. She? I thought it was your little boy. Oh, it goes back and forth. It's sort of a tranny car. How long have you had her... slash him? My brothers handed it down to me when I was 16. Oh, how nice of them. Not really. Congratulations. The Fiero is yours. If you pass the final test. Come on! I already shaved my legs and swallowed five dollars in quarters. Only $4.50 has come out. Just go to the Weinerburger drive-thru and get us 12 cups of coffee. That's it? Oh, yeah. But we get to decide what you wear.
惊喜吧 我们觉得你们俩不来没意思 超有趣的手工叠纸聚会 所以... 我们建议到这来 我们坚持这样 (没有征求他意见) 好极了 菲奥雷怎么样了 她还在治疗呢 她?我还以为是你当他是男的 它可男可女 他是辆会变性的车 你开她多久了 应该是他 我16岁时我哥留给我了 他们太好了 也不算 祝贺你 菲奥雷是你的了 如果你通过最后的考试 快啊 我在房间里已经刮光腿毛 还把5美元分四份吞了下去 只拉出来4.5美元 那去威纳汉堡汽车外卖 帮我们买12杯咖啡 就这个? 恩 就这个 但我们决定你穿什么