When Marshall's car doesn't quite make it to 200,000 miles without dying completely, everybody reminisces about their greatest memories with the car.

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Kids, sometimes life forces us to be someone we didn't want to be. When that happens, we often try to hold on to a little piece of who we were. Maybe a tattoo. Or a piece of jewelry. A tiny souvenir that reminds us, "This is who I really am." Marshall's souvenir was not so tiny, but the more he found himself being pushed toward the corporate world and away from his dream of saving the environment, the tighter he held on to that Fiero. Hey. One good thing: we're off the hook for the folding party today. Hey. It's very important to both Lily and me that there be a handmade origami crane in each of our wedding's... I couldn't even get through it. Thank God. Hey, your car's going to be fine. This is the best auto shop around. Look at this certificate. One of the mechanics here finished a 64-ounce steak.
孩子们 生活有时候 强迫我们做不愿做的事 这种事情发生时 我们总要试着保留点自我 比方说一个纹身或者一个小首饰 一个微不足道的纪念品提醒我们 "这才是真的自我" 马修的纪念品可不小 他从现实世界得到的越多 离他的保护环境的理想就越远 他对菲奥罗就看的越重 我们今天肯定赶不上叠纸聚会了 这对我和莉莉来说很重要的 我们俩都要 为我们婚礼做个折纸鸟... 其实我根本不会折 谢天谢地 你的车会修好的 这是附近最好的修车行了 看这个证书 这其中一个技师 吃光了64盎司牛排