Ted to gets rid of everything he received from other women at Robin's request, but getting rid of the stuff Robin received from other men won't be as easy. Meanwhile, Barney gets revenge on Lily for making him attend her terrible play.

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最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D

Okay! Stop! You win. Fine. Barney, I'm sorry I made you come to my show. Thank you, Lily. Is there anything you'd like to say about my show? No. No, I have nothing nice to say about your show. You were right, Barney. Let's go to the bar. Yes! I win! I love winning! Oh, Lily. Oh, Lily, Lily, Lily. I was just getting warmed up, man! If you had any idea what was coming up in act two... oh! Well, I imagine it was pretty awful, so let's go. Pretty awful? Pretty awful?! It was a masterpiece of awful. It's genius how bad it is. I kind of wish you guys could see it. Yeah, well, anyway. Act two is where I really hit my stride. Spoiler alert: the robot falls in love. How about this, Barney? How about we stay and-and watch the rest of your show? It's your funeral. Five, six, one, two.
好!停下! 你赢了 行吧 很抱歉让你去看我的表演 谢谢 莉莉 关于我的演出 你还想说点什么? 无话可说 对于你的表演 我没有什么好话可说的 你是对的 巴尼 我们去酒吧 太棒了 我赢了 我喜欢胜利 哦 莉莉 哦 莉莉 莉莉 伙计们 我刚才只是热身 如果你们 对演出第二部分有任何意见... 我猜那会很糟的 我们走 很糟?很糟? 糟糕的事情才刚刚开始 只有天才才能演得这么糟! 我希望你们继续看下去 无论如何你说的都是对的 第二部分我弄伤了我的腿 扰流器改变了方向: 机器人坠入爱河 你看这样如何? 我呆在这里 看完你剩下的演出? 你会很痛苦的 五 六 一 二