Ted to gets rid of everything he received from other women at Robin's request, but getting rid of the stuff Robin received from other men won't be as easy. Meanwhile, Barney gets revenge on Lily for making him attend her terrible play.

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最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D

Whose moisturizer is this, Ted? Um, my sister's. So, in other words, some girl you went out with. Um... I love you. Disgusting. You let me put on the same moisturizer as one of your exes? It was probably Carla's. Her face was a train wreck. I'm don't think Ted was dating her for her face. Thank you, Marshall. Thank you so much. Why is that still in your apartment? I don't know. I just never threw it out. Well, why not? Do you still have feelings for this girl? Yeah. I'm madly in love with her, and the only way I can deal with it is by holding onto a three-dollar tube of lotion. Not three dollars! Try 14. Why is this such a big deal? Because I don't want to use some whore's moisturizer! Whoa, she wasn't a whore. Well, she's leaving expensive lotions all over town. It sounds like a whore to me. What else do you have from old girlfriends just lying around? Nothing. That's it.
Ted这是谁的润肤露? 我妹妹的 所以,也就是是说,是你女朋友的咯? 我爱你。 真讨厌,你让我和你前女友们用同一只润肤露吗? 也许是carla的 她的脸像火车残骸 我不认为Ted是因为他的脸而和她约会的。 谢谢Marshall. 非常感谢 为什么不扔掉? 你对她还念念不忘? 是的 我疯狂的爱着她 而且我唯一可以做的 就是寄情于一只3美元的润肤露 3美元!怎么不说是14美元! 你干吗这么生气? 因为我不想用妓女的润肤露! 她不是妓女 如果一个女人用过的润肤露满城都能找到 对于我来说她就是妓女 你还留着前任女友的其他什么东西? 没有了,就这个。