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So Barney did it. He actually finished the marathon. But a little while later... I got an interesting phone call. Hello? Ted, it's Barney. Listen to me, I need you to come and pick me up on the subway. What, what are you talking about? I was sitting here, totally minding my own business. Finisher. Yeah, you know what I mean. 86th street. My legs don't work. I've already ridden the subway twice end to end. I've seen where it turns around. Ted, you don't ever want to see where the subway turns around.
巴尼真做到了 他确实完成了马拉松 但过了一会我接到了一个有趣的电话 你好? 泰德,是我,巴尼,我需要你来地铁站接我 怎么了?你说什么呢? 我就坐在这,正在想我的好事 胜利者 你知道我再说啥 86号街到了 我脚动不了了 我已经在地铁上 坐了整整两个来回了 我没有发现有所好转 泰德 你一定不想看到地铁来回转