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最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D

Oh, Marshall, how's the broken toe? Oh, man, it kills. You want some aspirin, baby? You know I don't believe in pain killers. Wow, your first broken bone. Kind of kills your whole "Unbreakable" theory. Marshall used to think he was indestructible. Well, it added up. I've never broken anything. I've never been sick, and when I need to, I can summon incredible strength. Ted, tell her the story of the really heavy door. There was a really heavy door. He opened it. On one pull. Well, you must be really bummed, you're not gonna be able to run tomorrow. Yeah. It sucks, all that work I put in training for the marathon was a total waste. Training for a marathon. What? You don't need to train for a marathon. You just run it. You're kidding, right? Not at all. I could run a marathon anytime I wanted to. So like tomorrow, you think you could wake up, roll out of bed, and just run the New York City Marathon? Absolutely.
让我们再回到几个月前 马修 脚趾怎么样了? 天啊 疼死我了 要来点阿司匹林吗 宝贝? 你知道我不喜欢止疼药的 你第一次骨折 打破了你从不"骨折"的历史 马修曾经一度 以为他是不会受伤的 打住 我之前从来没有骨折过 从来没有生过病 而且当我需要时 我能获得无穷的力量 泰德 告诉她 关于沉重的门的故事 确实有个很重的门 他打开了 还是一只手 你现在肯定不行了 明天你也不能去跑步了 是啊 太郁闷了 所有的马拉松训练都成无用功了 马拉松训练? 怎么了? 马拉松根本不需要训练,跑就得了 你开玩笑? 本来就是,我想什么时候跑马拉松都行 那明天,你认为你醒来起床后就直接去参加纽约马拉松赛? 没问题