2013-06-15 18:29
Disaster movies often portrait catastrophes that destroy, or at least threaten to destroy earth's entire population. In fact, a virus emerged in the 1970s that could've been just that fatal. Names after a river that passes through the Congo, the Ebola virus originally manifested itself in the interior of Africa in 1976. Two strains of the disease were almost identical symptoms affected humans, Ebola-Zaire and Ebola-Sudan. The Sudan version was deadly enough, killing 50% of those it infected. However, Zaire with its 90% mortality rate was even worse. The origins, though not the cause of Ebola-Sudan can be traced back to a single individual in a Sudanese town. Ebola-Zaire seemed to erupt in over 50 villages simultaneously. Both strains quickly invaded local hospitals when needle sharing and other unhealthy practices ensure the rapid spreading of the infection by bring people into contact with contaminated body fluids. If the virus had been capable of spreading through the air, or if one infected person had unknowingly entered a large population center, Ebola might have become a worldwide epidemic. However, soon after these fierce outbreaks, the virus died out, at least temporarily. Ebola was so deadly and killed so quickly that within a short period of time, there was no one around to infect. Hospital workers in at least one case deserted their workplace in panic thus halting the administering of potentially unclean disease spreading injections, but Ebola has not disappeared with no known vaccination or cure available. It seems only a matter of time until another epidemic erupts.
灾难电影里通常都会描述一场毁灭全球人类,或者至少是会威胁到全球人类的大劫难。实际上,1970年发现的一种病毒就有这种致命威胁。 埃博拉病毒得名于一条贯穿刚果的河流,该病毒1976年自行出现于非洲内陆。病毒有两个种,“埃博拉-扎伊尔(Ebola-Zaire)”和“埃博拉-苏丹(Ebola-Sudan)”,其在人类身上的感染症状几乎是一样的。苏丹种已经很致命了,感染者的死亡率达50%,但扎伊尔更加可怕,致死率高达90%。苏丹种的初始起源(尽管不是其出现的原因)可以追溯到一个苏丹人城镇的居民身上。埃博拉-扎伊尔却好像是同时在50个村子里突然出现的。由于针头混用等不健康的操作导致受感染者的体液迅速与他人接触并得以传播,两种病毒都在极短的时间内充斥当地医院。 如果这种病毒能够通过空气传播,或者一个染病的人悄无声息地进入了一个人口密集区,埃博拉病毒就完全可能成为一种全球范围的传染病。然后,在这次来势汹汹的爆发式传播之后不久,埃博拉病毒就销声匿迹了,至少暂时是如此。它致死性太强,致死速度也太快,导致用不了多久,其周边范围内就没有能染上病的活人了。 至少有一个案例中,医护人员在恐慌之下逃离了他们的工作岗位,这反而有助于管理那些可能导致疾病传播的不卫生的注射行为。不过,埃博拉病毒并没有消失,我们还没有发明针对它的疫苗或可行的治疗方法。看起来,另一次的传染病爆发也只不过是时间问题。 ——译文来自: aotqvst