2013-06-15 18:29
Question 15-18题号不用写,直接听出原文
You've been sitting at the computer for hours. Let's take a coffee break, shall we? I wish I could. You know, I'm up to my netting work. I've got to finish this report. I don't want to miss the deadline. What does the man mean? What do you think of this gallery space? They offer to let me exhibit some of my paintings here. Are you kidding? Any art student I know would die to have an exhibition here. What can we infer from the conversation? Garry, my assistant is in the hospital now. Is there anyone in your department who could give a hand for a few days? I think so. I'll ask around and get back to you. What do we learn from the conversation? Did you read the article in the paper about the mayor's speech of the economic form? Sure I did, but I think they've twisted the meaning of what he said. It's not the first time for them to do so. What does the man say about the paper?