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  three R-rated

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And after the Super Bowl, the mayor of the losing team's city had to pay up, sending the mayor of the winning team's city 15 pounds of a delicacy his or her city is famous for. Better fire up whatever type of grill, steamer or fryer one might use to cook that delicacy, Winning Team's Mayor. Hey. Hey. I'm not talking to you. Yes, you are. You'll do whatever I say. Hold your breath. I'm not holding my breath. The winning team was the... Now here's how this is going to work: you're going to take me to three R-rated movies a week... And then Uncle Marshall got an idea. It was not one he was proud of in retrospect, but desperate times... Oh, no. Somebody wet their pants. No, I didn't. Oh, really? Who's everyone gonna believe? I'm a grownup third-year law student at Columbia and you're just a little pants wetter.
超级碗杯结束后,输的那队的城市的市长要进贡送15磅他或她城里最著名的食物给赢了的那队所在的城市。 现在最好把烤肉架,蒸笼或油锅准备好,你可能要用到它们来煮贡品 我不想和你说话。 不。 你想... 你要按我说的做,屏住呼吸。 我不会屏住呼吸的。 获胜的队伍是... 那么我们就这么解决吧,你每星期给我带3部成人级的电影。 然后马修叔叔有了个主意,他回顾这主意不是那么得意,但在如此绝望的时候... 不。 有人尿湿裤子了。 不,不是我干的。 真的吗? 大家会相信谁呢? 我是一个成年的哥伦比亚大学法律系3年级的大人,而你只是小小尿裤子先生。