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Hints:Sensory Deprivator 5000

Sensory Deprivator 5000  
最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D

Ha! Who's the idiot now?! You said the Sensory Deprivator 5000 was stupid. But it totally worked! I couldn't see or hear anything happening around me. Right?! Right?! No...! And if that weren't bad enough, I was about to have a horrible realization. Where's the dipping sauce?
现在谁才是傻瓜! 你说感官剥夺器5000很蠢吗,但它完全奏效了。 我周围发生的事我都看不见也听不见。 看吧,看吧。 不! 如果那还不够糟的话,我马上就要有个更痛苦的发现了。 豉油酱呢?