


Kisses are such simple things, we hardly notice them. But if we paid more attention, we'd see that each kiss conveys a meaning all its own. For example, some can say, "I'm so happy to see you." Or, "I didn't realize you'd be here." Or, "honey, it's time to stop drinking." The trick is in knowing how to tell the difference.
接吻在我们周遭司空见惯,于是很少有人在意。但是如果我们多注意一些,我们会发现不同的吻,蕴藏着不同的含义。比如,有的代表着“真高兴见到你。” 或者,“没想到你也来了”。抑或,“亲爱的,不能再喝了。”诀窍就在于懂得如何分辨它们。